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Sunday, December 23, 2012

The group of Djoser

The group of  Djoser

When you reach the cliff of Saqqara, the first view you'll see is the Step Pyramid of Djoser. And has branched paved road, then head south where you start to visit the pyramid and his funerary that exist within the Great Wall, which almost strike through pyramid of King. And mostly located in the southeastern corner of the pyramid. It is a set of squares and buildings used by the king during his life, which was held on the occasion of celebrations and ceremonies that were performed during his rule.

 The Group Of  Djoser Consists of :

1- Step Pyramid of Djoser :


The pyramid of Saqqara located in the south of Giza at a distance of a mile from the cliff Saqqara. Was originally designed as a burial of Pharaoh Djoser by the Minister Imhotep in the form of six terraces above the tunnel sliding to the burial site. Over the six changes in the pyramid scheme before the completion of its present form.

 2- Main entrance to the group Djoser:


The entrance to the outer gate of the fence from the east, and this entrance is located between the two towers major leads to the colonnade, and were entrance doors open to the interior where there are effects of the gaps that was going on where the center doors, has built this wall style prominent It includes fourteen gates, including one gate only real and they continue to be used for entry and exit to the yard of the pyramid.

The other gates are for gates and fake, and a perimeter of this fence from north to south 545 meters, and east to west 278 meters, and a height of 10.40 meters and still see a large part of this wall full located in the southern side of the pyramid, and we can see we're going to the pyramid of Unas the south.

3- The colonnade of Columns: 


The entrance to the main gate of the wall leads to a large lounge called the Colonnade of the Columns and the number of these columns are 48 columns. these columns made of  limestone and represent formed by a group of packages reeds.
There Forty column matrix in two rows, and overlapping with walls to be cavities were used as places to save in it all statues of King, At the end of this lobby in the western side of it we see columns other eight, which is a pillar double columns in a small hall rectangular surrounded by a fence small, and this pillars of the particular model was not repeated in the ancient Egyptian architecture.
Some specialists believe that the number of these columns is a representation of the number of Egyptian provinces at that time, which was located under the reign of King Djoser.

4- The Southern Cemetery: 


 After that pass visitor colonnade finds himself inside the yard spacious wide and rises to his right pyramid, and on the north lies cemetery adjacent to the wall great southern pyramid called the cemetery south, and the cemetery is a similar picture of the cemetery south, and the cemetery is a similar picture of the cemetery located bottom of the pyramid, and can be accessed through a square well along each side of seven meters, and depth of twenty-eight meters.

There ladder up to the bottom of this well where we find a room built of square blocks of granite, and in this building corridors and corridors walls decorated with blocks of glazed porcelain glossy which simulated image of the palace where the king lived, and in one of the walls drawing that show King Djoser when he celebrated with Royal Jubilee and wrote on it  his name and his titles. 

Despite naming cemetery on this place, there is no evidence to use it for this purpose and so specialists considered it  symbolic cemetery that showed that he is the king of south of Egypt, and may be he used it to  bury the canonical pots, which were kept the bowels of the Dead King, and considering the North Cemetery (Pyramid), where the king buried as the king of the North of Egypt. 

5- Temple of celebrations ( Love day Temple ) : 


 Located in the south-east of the pyramid inside the spacious yard. In the center of the remains of this small temple columns polygonal in the form of bamboo bundles. The most important thing can be seen in this temple those stony doors that look like half open doors. There is also round corners in the outer corners of the walls, which were held to strengthen the walls and the purpose of this temple is doing rites and rituals of Royal Jubilee celebrations.

6- The Southern House:


To the north of the celebrations courtyard  we can see remnants of a building known as the House of the South and was surrounded by a special fence and it has front courtyard that lead to  four decorated columns  connected to the interface which is polygonal  and had crowns looks like the crowns of the columns of  celebrations courtyard and on the east side of the front of the building there were columns by crowns resembling lotus flowers which is the symbol of the South  ( Upper Egypt ).

Inside the corridor of the building in the Western Wall lines written in black ink in ancient Egyptian recorded by visitors to Saqqara in 1500 BC. Registered admiration for these artifacts and written with them the name of Djoser 

7- The Northern House :

It look like the  southern house and is located on the north side of it and in the eastern side of the front of the building there is the side wall with an ornament three cylindrical columns connected to the wall and have crowns resembling papyrus ( symbol of North Egypt )

8- Mortuary temple of the Djoser pyramid :

 On the north side of the pyramid we find the remains of the mortuary temple of King Djoser's pyramid which is different from the temples constructed in the following centuries, was built on the eastern side of the pyramid, and not on the north side of it.


Step Pyramid of Djoser

The Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser), or step pyramid 


Pyramid of Sakkara : royal tomb in history built between 2737 BC. AD - 2717 BC..  
Located : in Saqqara, south of Cairo.  
Designed by the Minister Imhotep ( Meaning of his name coming in peace ) in the form of Six Steps above the tunnel descended to the burial site.

This first Egyptian pyramid consisted of six steps ( every step called Mastaba ) (of decreasing size) built atop one another in what were clearly revisions and developments of the original plan. The pyramid originally stood 62 metres (203 ft) tall, with a base of 109 m × 125 m (358 ft × 410 ft) and was clad in polished white limestone. The step pyramid  is considered to be the earliest large-scale cut stone construction.


The group of  Djoser consists of the following:

  •    Pyramid. Entrance hall
  •    The funerary temple.  
  •   Temple of Valentine's Day.  
  •   South cemetery. 
  •   Northern house
  •   Southern house
  •   Fence surrounds the whole aggregate.

King Djoser :


Djoser was the first or second king of the 3rd Dynasty (from 2667 BC to 2648 BC) of the Egyptian Old Kingdom (ca. 2686 to 2125 BC). He is believed to have ruled for 19 years or, if the 19 years were biennial taxation years, 38 years. He reigned long enough to allow the grandiose plan for his pyramid to be realized in his lifetime 
There were rumors that King Djoser is the King who came to him Joseph and his dreams interpreted.These rumors based on papyri reported the period welfare and dry period mentioned by Joseph the Prophet of God to Egypt's Pharaoh Djoser 


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